
Ideal and Digital Class Room.

Lively class rooms enabled by hi fi technology for better assimilation GEETHANJALI GROUP OF SCHOOLS provides elegantly designed class rooms with comfortable chair seating arrangement. Every class room is well equipped with international class facility like LCD projector, audio - visual presentation. In each class room the student strength is restricted to only 40, The classrooms with latest technology and comfortable furniture inspire the children to be confident enough to take on the world.

Science Lab

Labs are meant for practical knowledge students learn more by practical approach we are providing with every facility in science laboratories to deal practically the subjects physics, chemistry, and biology lab is the right place where the students can become future technocrats, we encourage the students to participate in science exhibitions to instill in them scientific temper. It is imperative for schools to have the latest and high-quality SCIENCE LAB supplies these days. Science is different from and learning of science involves seeing, handling and manipulating real objects and materials. Our science lab supplies good equipment to make science interesting and effective for students and to encourage them to make significant contributions in the field of PHYSICS., BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY and other streams of science later in life.

English Language Lab

English language lab benefits the students who are lacking confidence in English speaking. The lab sessions include word games, fun quizzes, extemporary speaking, debates etc... in the lab the students listen to the lessons pre- recorded by experts. Topics such as accent, rhythm, intonation, consonants and vowels are dealt with separately and extensively.

Healthy Stay and Happy Ambience

It is a fact that nothing can substitute parental care and affection but efforts have been made to retain the nuances of homely atmosphere which makes children adopted to pleasant atmosphere easily. Well ventilated, mainly, clean dormitories are provided to boys and girls separately. We ensure all comforts to the children to make their stay fruitful and to pursue their studies with peaceful and comfortable environment. Immediate medical care is also at hand in case any student falls sick. Students are cared with coordinators and tutors. Security to ensure their safety and sound growth.

Sports & Co-Curricular Activities

There is a proverb that "Exercising of your body makes your mind relief". As per that we encourage the children to participate in activities like. Singing, dancing, painting, debates, seminars, essay writing etc.... Students are also encouraged involving in sports and games. A well-trained PET is appointed to look after and guide the students in their respective events. The school takes special interest in their events and allows them to participate in school, district and state level competitions.

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Yoga is one of wonderful gifts in the world. practice of yoga gives one and all good health and strong mind. Yoga and meditation provide the children stress free and also to find harmonious growth between body and mind for the human body to function smoothly and to maintain good health both Yoga and Meditation are pertinent. Practicing Yoga can improve physical as well as mental health of an individual and meditation provides peace of mind and control over the body.

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There are shortcuts to happiness and dancing is one of them. Dance is the hidden language of the soul. So, we give time to our children to bring their Dance talents. Improve self- esteem, flexibility for good posture, fitness, technique, coordination, and skill components your child ability to focus build confidence, Discipline, control, and self-defense Courtesy for others Leadership skills.


A Field Trip or Excursion is a journey by a group of people to a place away from their normal environment. The purpose of the trip is usually observation for education, students will experience outside their everyday activities, such as going camping with teacher and their classmates. Every year the school management conducts educational tours which expose children to enrich heritage and culture and also imbibes brighter future of life.

Geethanjali Students Council - Young Leaders Board

Students are encouraged to part of a Young Leaders board, to foster leadership and community building qualities. This mentored opportunity helps and equips our students with the insights and experience to take charge as our future leaders in building the nation. Geethanjali has a strong passion to not just impart academic education, but to provide an environment to students for developing the innate capabilities to take on the challenges of the global World.

Parent-Teacher's Meetings

A group of students assigned to a faculty, who provides one to one mentoring, guiding regarding academic subjects. The faculty also monitors the progress of the student and ensures timely intervention for sustained academic progress. There is an old African Proverb. "It takes a village to raise a child" Nothing is farther than truth tan this. The involvement of Parents in the academic growth of a student is paramount and necessary. With that in mind, we ensure regular parent - teacher meetings to appraise each o them of the progresses the student is making ensuring that proper feedback is circulated to all. "TIME is the Best Gift a Child can get from His/her Parent."